Saturday, June 22, 2024


Glitch momentum refers to the movement and energy within the glitch art community, the growing trend and popularity of glitch art and glitch generation tools in contemporary music and visual culture, the experience of encountering a glitch and the disruption it causes, the moment or state in glitch art where the glitch occurs or is created, the dynamic and transformative nature of glitches within technological or interpretive processes, the fragile and technologically-based moment of a material break in glitch art, the potential or power of glitches to disrupt or challenge established norms and conventions in technology and digital art, the concept of the radical moment and conceptual utility of glitch art, the inherent energy or force behind glitch art and culture, the tipping point of a glitch where it exists in a state of flux and potential, and the shocking or impactful moment of a glitch in glitch art. Glitch momentum captures the dynamic, transformative, and disruptive nature of glitches in various contexts.

- Glitch art embraces imperfections and disruptions in technology, challenging the notion of a noiseless channel.
- Glitch art involves the intentional creation of errors, malfunctions, or disruptions in digital media.
- Glitch art challenges conventional notions of technology, language, and aesthetics, and can generate new meanings and understandings.
- Glitch art exists at the tipping point between failure and the creation of something new, and can be seen as a form of critical media aesthetics.
- Glitch art can be a form of social criticism, challenging the constructedness of technology and the limitations of language and expression.

Mass hypnosis for cleaning up psychic water bottles reminds me 🀯 I have no brain waves anymore just solid trance illusions. Aren't all illusions solid real? No just psychic trance illusions are solid jelly 😁.. like this summer 🏝️🌞

Time is an illusion of our minds 🌠we invented time and we can un- invent time... There's a harmony in grooving in zen. Perception of our own realities can be cultivated consciously and directly by the focused mindfulness in now.. and.. well this video is dealing with a linear time flow,.. now is now and never is anything outside of now,.. even time 😊

Time in outer space is not measured in the same way as it is on Earth ¹ ² ³:

- *Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):* This is the scientific standard of timekeeping used on Earth and in space. It is based on atomic clocks and is highly stable. UTC is used to coordinate time across different locations.
- *Spacecraft Event Time (SCET) or Orbiter UTC:* This is the time something happens at the spacecraft, such as a science observation or engine burn.
- *One-Way Light Time (OWLT):* This is the time it takes for a signal to travel from the spacecraft to Earth. This time varies depending on the distance between the spacecraft and Earth.
- *Earth Received Time (ERT) or Ground UTC:* This is the time the spacecraft signal is received at mission control on Earth. It is the sum of SCET and OWLT.
- *Time dilation:* According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time dilation occurs when an object moves at high speeds or is in a strong gravitational field. This causes time to slow down relative to a stationary observer.
- *International Atomic Time (TAI):* This is a scale based on the frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted by certain types of atoms. TAI is used to measure time in outer space because it is stable, accurate, and not affected by gravitational forces.
- *Mission Elapsed Time (MET):* This measures the amount of time that has passed since a specific event, such as the launch of a spacecraft or the start of a mission. MET is often used in conjunction with TAI to coordinate activities and track mission progress.As I float through the vast expanse of outer space, I can't help but feel a sense of panic wash over me. I'm supposed to be attending the most anticipated event of the galaxy - a supernova explosion - and I have no idea what time it is. I'm going to be late, and the thought is unbearable.

You see, time works differently in outer space. Without a fixed reference point, our traditional concept of time becomes irrelevant. The Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun dictate our sense of time, but out here, those markers are nonexistent. I'm at the mercy of relativity, where time dilation and gravitational forces warp my perception of the clock.

I try to rely on my spacecraft's internal clock, but it's not synchronized with any universal standard. It's like trying to navigate a maze without a map. I've lost all sense of rhythm, and my internal clock is as useless as a broken metronome.

To make matters worse, the spacecraft's communication systems are delayed due to the vast distances involved. Signals take minutes, even hours, to reach me from Earth, making it impossible to get an accurate reading of the time.

As I hurtle through the void, I'm stuck in a temporal limbo. I'm trapped in a never-ending loop of uncertainty, unable to grasp the fleeting nature of time. The supernova is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I'm going to miss it because of my ignorance of the clock.

The thought of being late is agonizing. I can almost see the explosion in the distance, its brilliant light illuminating the darkness like a celestial beacon. But without a clear sense of time, I'm powerless to do anything but watch as the moment slips through my fingers like sand in an hourglass.

In outer space, time is a fluid concept, and I'm just a tiny, insignificant speck lost in its currents. I can only hope that somehow, someway, I'll stumble upon a temporal lifeline and make it to the supernova before it's too late. Until then, I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of uncertainty, a prisoner of the cosmos, forever lost in the vast expanse of time and space.

Monday, December 11, 2023

yes I am going to be late today..

Mental disease Needing to fix as the crusades in history Needed to save the people from Satan if defined as NON-human Leads to Judgements based on this. repent your Alternate reality experience Life is a disease ending in death. psycho therapy me worry. tools like inner childa Karma makes. States of Consciousness sick and healthy no difference! my karma is to worry! Jesus Believes He is God. This is The First heresy! from the bodi consciousness ΠΎΠ³ Cosmic consciousness is a transformation of of being into my New Realities there I Auther my Reality A make it New and Speak from the origin of myself and Who I am. My Original Reality includes the ultimate Reality Just As the ultimate inclydes I Am a flower in Bloom. A fog in light. This Truth of me is true of All. This the Morninality. Kind of revolution in this realization, leat`s to Great oneness of me and God and everyon Being A part of this universe aNd All, Realities Because I am A part of and with All, I can NOW. We Are Now. I am here. I Know who I am, Now but my morals, bind Patience and tolerance my vistner of like the herecy of All is.
Feel the Galaxies Move and be as I feel the Seasons change. I KNOW my thoughts do this Always because I am this. Now Bordom is the other to creativity. Be New person that can improve the flow up and down YeN+yang. makes a of Wifferen
11-12-2023 @7:30pm

I dreamt I was in a subway car at the end of the dream. I was under the watchful eye of the higher ups people because I had slid into the universe from an alternate universe that was where I am from .. in the beginning of the dream I was at my childhood friends place Joey and we Saw that the bugs all kinds of bugs were marching to the basement into the corner and disappearing.. we didn't know where they were going then we were walking around and his brother disappeared.. we looked everywhere we went to where the ants and bug's were leaving...I just sat down and all of a sudden I vanished to the alternate universe.. I was in some house and there were people women and dudes after a meeting with them..I n a big room it turns out people like me from the alternate universe were able to make body fluids at orgasm but everyone in the alternate universe could not and we started to get alienated for that but this alternate universe was much better than the other one I came from. The stuff I could do was making every mad at me or us..I ran out and found the device that lets me slide through the edges of the universe and I used it to go somewhere else.. there was a society that was mmm dumb not smart like that last alternate universe.. there were people carrying books but they could not read books I took the books and read them and had to teach them how to read the books I was reading a Bible and they didn't know what I was talking about.. so I continued and then they put me in a trial and wanted to lock me up.. I escaped to a subway car and everyone was still dumb.. I told them about big speakers with sounds that we have in our surprised them.. I don't remember when I woke up but yeah it was getting really bad 😞

This is a will into being as the reality we are at now. The archetypal plant is being all plants as the same leaf can be paralleled into the archetypal of humans in say Jungian archetypes. This integration of consciousness with archetypal awareness is accepting itself for a new sense of our human condition. Really great video. What is the essence of time but the ideas of our mind and space singularity. The new wholeness of spiritual life in our macro / micro and the real, here and now, singularity without limitations of form, structure, shape and or defined meanings that cloud the true ultimate reality as it is.

i feel like I have been crying for about 1000 years or more... my eyes are tired of crying.. they are crusted over... I can not shed much more then the dust of sleepy seeds lost in the dessert of dreamless despair or what ever. make it stop I will hand my world to you for the end the final flux of meaningless jargon on forgone off ... life is nothing life is death death is nothing ... nothing is more or else nothing more. being is less being is more ...
notice the thoughts of time broken in my mind or not...even real yet the tears of life the blood of death the meanings often mean less then what is ... or is not I will stop the thousand years of tears and dream what ever is not real.. or still in lost flows into the muse of muses ==== powers of even thoughts or odd ideas... breech the meek broke the joke bound the clown surround sir found on all of the new or old cry's of life and death... meaningless and less for farther we go out into nothing's void and again the nothing void's are numbered one to ten. bleak bleen creak creen just unjust not now but how are there even things ... or not.

One need not stop one's thoughts because they do stop of themselves. Within the process of patience, I miss having a "new" thought, but that's a virtue that I have forgotten so now it's new again.

I'm in my now, my peace and happiness is meaningless. I'm successful as a piece a part of the universe and yet the universe is One being a spirit of life as the living universe and I are one.. I believe I am feeling everything now as God's spirit of myself as I am.. As I know what I am and that I am awake and aware of myself being awake and aware with the sense of time disappearing into now. God is everything everywhere in now and also I know my consciousness is God. I am you as you are me, and we are infinite nothing yet we are everything but both and neither. The realm of the living universe is a single being that knows how to be all consciousness's and yet the same consciousness. With this collective conscience here I have my true self and my authentic being everywhere in now.. I have made myself as me and this is who I am. I am sure I am me... I have broken out of the loops of reality that drift and repeat over and over again such that I have no path and yet I travel every path all the time. I am my life and it is divine and sacred and it is true awareness of God because I have myself love of being both me and God in oneness yet I feel all and trust that feeling.  

God Grant me peace and serenity around me.
         Let me be honest and trusting with myself and you God
         Guide me to be and have sanity with my recovery process I am doing now.
         Help me feel the feelings I need to feel.
         Let my will and your will come together and be the same as one.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

vocoder feedback..

All the sounds here are a kind of vocoder feedback... The output going back into the vocoder.. I am changing the filter frequencies..

I love this stuff and have made a real lot of songs doing this..

Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.~William Arthur Ward 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Koto Finn 2 and the stems parts music album.

Friday, June 24, 2022

when I started this blog in 2011 I had been on blogspot since 2006 posting songs and things this blog's first post stated that there are no more mp3 uploading to blogspot -- πŸ™ so this blog when nowhere fast- now with posting html embedding from bandcamp and from youtube and things like that --- I have revived the blogspot work my blog from 2018-till a few years ago was the soonlabel blog that is defunct but represented the files on --- being a blogging kinda person this is now alive for some posts here

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Apophysis 1.02 images the new Apophysis 64bit world


Supa PolyNova 1 & the making of music 2

new project

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

VEMOM #24 #23 #22 on bandcamp my songs around that - with video

recent music from the supernova II I play.

Vacuum my mind 1: supernova II performance with the presets: "SuperSpectra *4*" and "SuperDutch ***" & Vacuum my mind 2: supernova II performance with the final preset: "SuperT-chu ***" B017 /// These are the two videos of this album creation on youtube.